Saturday, April 28, 2007


I do not like Coffee. I do not like it Hot or Cold. I do not like it with Cream or Sugar. I do not like Coffee. I won't drink Coffee. Not now, not ever. I do not like Coffee!! Yes, my mother thinks I may have been switched at birth.

Way back in January, right after the New Year, Jaime surprised me with my very own glass teapot! I had mentioned to him that grocery bought tea in the bag was great, but that I wanted to venture into loose tea. This glass teapot has an infuser. Now, the only thing missing??? Yep, the tea. Yes, my lovely teapot sat in it's box...for four long months, through the coldest weather of the year! Jaime has tried to drag me out to a local tea lounge on his delivery route for months, but the idea of dragging my hyper little spider man to a quaint, relaxing tea lounge, just didn't seem right, or like fun for that matter. Today, while Jaime was at work, he picked out three different teas for me and surprised me when he got home!
-Pu-erh Ginger
-Chamomile (an old favorite)
So thoughtful! Of course as soon as we had the two rascals tucked in, I put on a pot of hot water. After gulping, I mean sipping two big mugs full, my entire body feels completely relaxed, and I swear I'm a bit light-headed. UMMM Maybe it's just exhaustion? No no no, it's the Tea, I'm sure of it! This tea was so good. The Pu-erh that is. Rich and smooth, without a bitter aftertaste. Can't wait to try the others!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day!

In celebration of Earth Day, we spent a beautiful day outdoors. Gardening, finding bugs, riding bikes and skateboards. The best part was just sitting in the warm sun. The news had forecasted rain for this weekend, but both days were beautiful! We also enjoyed our first backyard family BBQ.

I found the most wonderful book at the library!

SUNFLOWER HOUSES, Garden Discoveries for Children of All Ages by Sharon Lovejoy.

It has many great ideas on getting your little ones involved with the garden. Things such as writing their name with a heart around it with plants. (We did this with lettuce and beets. I will post a photo once the sprouts grow a bit more.) Creating sunflower houses..(yes, really), or a tee pee using poles, beans, gourds. Or, use hollowed out gourds for bird houses. These are just a few of my favorites.
We also spent some time discussing with Noah what Earth Day means to us, and asked him what we can do to better take care of the Earth. He sort of gets it! He's all about the 3 R's, and turning off the lights. Now... we just need to stop wasting so much water, and work on phasing out some of our 'convenience items'. Slowly but surely, we'll get there.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Aqua Boy

In preparation for our trip back to Hawaii in August, Noah has been practicing his snorkeling. He received his first mask and snorkel for his birthday, and picked it up really quickly... too quickly. I promised him that once he mastered breathing through the snorkel correctly in the tub, we'd hit the pool. It only took one night(beginners luck?) I have to make good on my promise and head to the pool. Ick Ick Ick!!!! I don't like swimming pools. Beats swimming in Puget Sound... I suppose. =) Hopefully with enough practice, he will be comfortable enough to venture into the ocean. He is excited to see fish and perhaps a Honu. I'm excited to take him!

As a baby, he was not afraid of the ocean, a year ago during one of our visits, he was so afraid he barely got his toes wet! HA! We'll see what happens in August.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Noah turns 5!

Our BIG little guy turned 5 today!
Happy Birthday Noah!

He was a bit tired this morning, because he stayed up late last night (as any real baker would do) making strawberry frosting for the Birthday cupcakes. Of course I needed help licking all the spoons, so that took up even more time. We were both wiped out after that. Whew!
Noah lives for sweets! One day (out of frustration) I asked him if there was anything that isn't junk food that he enjoys. That he thinks is absolutely delicious. His response? 'Of course mom, I like Tako Poke!' Tako, meaning octopus in Japanese. Tako Poke has been Noah's favorite ever since he's had enough teeth to chew it.

Last night, after work, Jaime went to a specialty store in search of seaweed. Score! He found Ogo in China town. Once we knew Noah was fast asleep, we pulled out the ingredients and started chopping.

This morning, after Noah had finished opening his gifts, and was happily talking about all sorts of things, I asked what he wanted for breakfast. 'UMMMM, remember the strawberry frosting?' he asks 'Can I have a cupcake with it on there?' Sure. He continues playing and talking, totally ignoring the cupcake! Then I sneak out a bowl of Tako Poke for him, and set it on the table. I begin my morning routine, and after about 10 minutes I insist that he sit down and eat some breakfast before we go to school. I went to my room to get changed, and to change Bella. Suddenly Noah yells, 'Hey MOM!!! You're not going to believe your eyes!!!! Who put this here?' He runs to my room with the bowl, eyes about to bulge out of his head, nearly spilling it all. He tastes it, and just keeps eating and eating. Between bites he asks me how we got Tako Poke. 'Did Nana and Tutu send it?' No, we made it! He was so happy.

We sit down together, and he eats it all. The Tako Poke that is! The cupcake got completely ignored. HA!
For lunch, I brought a fruit salad and some pictures to share with his class. He was so sweet. Helping me carry things, helping to serve his classmates. Telling everyone about how one time he caught the biggest spider ever, and how dad is so afraid of spiders. Then he laughs. His friends laugh. It's just a spider, they say. Then we sing Happy Birthday, and he snuggles into me, just like when he was little. It's a moment I'll never forget.
Happy Birthday Noah!
We love you more than words can describe!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Being a Grown-up

As my mother likes to say, 'Eva, you're no longer a Spring Chicken!'
Well... UMMM, excuse me, I still feel like one!

Yes, yes, yes, it's true, I turned the big 3-0 last year. When I was in my early 20's attending college, (and being very grown-up) planning my career and furthering my education, I never dreamed that I would marry Jaime and that we would have two children together. No Way. Not me! After all, I didn't even really like kids all that much. Yes, it's true. I didn't want to be a mother, or a wife. I just wanted to do what I thought was expected of me. Get an education, get a job, and fall into the daily grind of going to work each and every weekday! Check! After two years of this, I was sure there was more to life. To MY life anyhow.

Today, I am a stay-at-home mom. Not the most exciting prospect to some, but for me, on most days (no not every day!) I love my life! Love it, love it, love it! Motherhood has taught me two very important things.

  1. Slow down to enjoy and appreciate the small things in life.
  2. Learn to listen to my inner self, what really makes me happy.

I love having the freedom to do what I want. For once, I am not afraid to do what I want. Isn't that what being a grown-up is really about? To do what truly makes you happy? Granted with 2 young children, some things are on hold, but only temporarily. I have learned patience, and to put others first. My life is rich and full... full of sacrifice. I am happy, happier than ever. I'm not sure I will ever feel like a grown-up, but if things continue on this road, I look forward to further exploration of what I want to be when I grow-up. Making sure I am a spring chicken FOREVER! At least in spirit.

I try to do something every day that makes me feel like a kid again.

  • Eating a gigantic spoonful of Nutella before breakfast.
  • Riding skateboards with Noah.
  • Laughing for no reason at all
  • Dancing with Noah and Bella

Oh, I could go on forever. If this is what being a grown-up is all about...I'm glad I'm finally here!

Monday, April 9, 2007


I messed up BAD! Totally goofed! Yesterday, Easter Sunday, we woke up early, ate breakfast, and got dressed to attend our local Community Easter Egg Hunt. Noah was so excited!

As we arrived at our destination, there was a big banner out front, inviting the community to join them for their annual Easter Egg Hunt on SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH, 10AM. Gulp. Jaime and I read the sign at the same time, pulled into an empty parking lot, and broke the news to Noah. We had missed it. Jaime begins laughing. I was speechless, my heart still in the pit of my stomach. Noah confused, thought it was all a joke. Once he realized it wasn't a joke, he asked Jaime, 'you think that is funny? I don't think it's very funny'.

OHHH, maybe next year I'll read a little more carefully.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Favorite Photos

Yesterday we had extremely warm weather, high 70's! The sky was blue, the breeze was warm, and the air carried a sweet honeysuckle smell.

P.S. my red cabbage sprouted over night! So awesome!!
Ash, if these cabbages make it, I'll be sure to cook up some red cabbage for you and family!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Garden update

I have spent the better part of last week planting and further cleaning our yard. Whew!! I have planted
-red cabbage
-white & purple cauliflower
-red & yellow onions
-purple & rainbow carrots
I'm such a gardening novice, but hey, this has been fun. It will be even more fun if and when something starts to sprout. Assuming the squirrels and cats don't get to the garden first.

Even Noah got in on the action. He begged and begged to please plant something. So, I sectioned off part of the garden as his own personal space. I was originally going to make his garden on the opposite side of the yard and plant the summer goodies he wanted there, with him. But he just couldn't wait. So, I put a few seeds of onion, kale, beet and carrot into a small cup, gave him a quick planting demonstration, and let him have at it!

First he planted

Then he watered

Whew, that was hard work!

I had to extend the boundaries of his garden, because he requested more space. Shortly after he lost interest. At the end of the day, he still had most of his seeds, (I gave him way too many) so I suggested we save them for another day. I went inside to bathe Bella, and start dinner. When I called Noah in, he brought in a 'empty' seed cup. HMMM.. I asked if he had been hard at work gardening again. 'Yes', he said. 'I dug a big hole, and put them all inside!'

Monday, April 2, 2007

15 Years!

15 Years ago yesterday, April Fool's Day, my family moved from sunny Southern California to tropical Hawaii. I was 15 yrs old, finishing up my freshman year of high School. Leaving behind my first 'real boyfriend', and two best friends was no easy task. In fact, I did not want to move, even if it was to Hawaii. I started to plan my escape. My step-father was in the Army, and we moved around quite a bit, every 1-3 yrs, and I had had enough!
Needless to say, I did not go through with my plan. (yes I really had one, and I think it would have worked, temporarily anyway) My mother was a pro at moving our family, but if I had tried a Houdini stunt, it would have caused complete chaos.

It took well over a year to finally get used to living there. Hawaii is very different from any other place I had ever lived. There was the heat, the roaches, learning to understand pidgin, and being a minority for the first time in my life. I did not fit in with the locals, I was after all a haole, but eventually made friends and discovered the ocean.

I love the ocean! I miss the ocean. I really really miss the ocean. I wish I could go for a swim or go diving or just stick my toes in the ocean. I miss the ocean breeze, miss kissing Jaime and tasting the salt on his lips. I miss going for 'shave ice' at the end of a day at the beach. I miss sand being in my bed, and stuck to my scalp. I miss digging sand out of Noah's ears and nose. I miss licking lilikoi (passionfruit), and crunching the seeds. I miss waking up to the smell of tropical rain entering my bedroom in the middle of the night. I will never forget the smell of sugar cane burning during harvest.

Aaahhhh, I miss Hawaii.