Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Bella had been bathed, dressed in several layers of clean clothes, and a fresh diaper. The BumGenius to be exact. I hesitated putting this diaper on, because it sometimes leaks. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?? Bella was happy, full, and ready for a nap. Whew! I was ready for a nap too. Not even an hour into her nap, she suddenly begins wailing! Not like her, she usually naps a little longer, and wakes up happy. Oh Well, guess she's ready to get up.

I pick her up, just to realize she is soaked! And so is her bed! GRRRR Okay, another bath it is. I undress her, and pick her up to blow farts on her belly. She begins giggling, and pees. Pees a lot! First on me, then as a reflex, I hold her out, away from me, and she pees all over the floor and my bed. She looks at me with a very serious face, then begins giggling again. It was so funny!

OHHH, but the pee story doesn't end here. Oh No. Later that night as Noah was bathing, he suddenly stands up and says, hey mom, want to see me pee up? Aaahhhh... what??? With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he points his anatomy upward, and yeah... pees! He started laughing hysterically! Couldn't stop himself. UGHHHH

Life with little ones sure is entertaining!
Wonder what today will bring?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Green Thumb

It's warming up and things are sprouting all over the yard, especially the daffodils. I'm so excited about getting a garden started this year! I finally ordered my seeds last night, after finishing my research on what will grow well in this region. I DO NOT have a green thumb... so I am crossing my fingers, counting my lucky stars, and hoping and praying that SOMETHING will grow. I'm so nervous, that I've begun to procrastinate. I tend to do this when I'm nervous. Instead I just hold on to a vision of what it is going to look like, without ever doing anything to make my vision happen!

As I was ordering the seeds, Jaime comes over to me and says, "You're ordering ALL those seeds???!!! Wow, you better give me some time in the yard this weekend to prepare the yard." He's right, I need him to rake more leaves, clean up old chopped blackberry bushes, and turn the earth. As crazy as it sounds, I think he enjoys yard work. He loves to work with his hands... I cherish the weekends, and look forward to 'Eva time', but this will be worth it!

Here is a list of what I hope to grow!

*Gourds (ornamental)

Wish me luck! I know I am going to need it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Five Minutes

Last week, I came down with a nasty, nasty cold. It got so bad, I called my sister and asked her what the Flu feels like. I don't think I've ever had the Flu, at least not in my adult life. Although I feel much better now, almost good as new... Bella is the next victim.

This past weekend, she was a bit fussy and wouldn't let anyone hold her, except me. Yesterday she was so congested she had trouble nursing, just to choke and puke up milk and mucus. How's that for a visual? She just cried and cried the entire day... poor babe. She'd fall asleep in my arms, then when I tried to lay her down, she'd start screaming. Finally after many hours of this, I decided to give myself five minutes. I needed to eat, and fix lunch for Noah. After five nerve wrecking minutes, five minutes of intense screaming, she passed out. Whew! Today is not much different, although she is sleeping a little better.

Noah is home from school for two more days, mid-winter break, and he's enjoying himself. His questions are starting to get more and more complex! Some I can't answer. Here is a sample of today's breakfast questions-
*How does the water get in the clouds so it can rain?
*How does our drinking water filter work?
*How do airplanes fly?
*Is a motorcycle faster than an airplane? Why not?

HMMMM wish I could recall this information from my school days!
Thank goodness for the internet, we can look things up at a moments notice.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Our Pizza

Last night while Noah was taking a bath, I was preparing our pizza dough. Noah called out and asked, what are we having for dinner, mom? We are making our own pizza, I replied. Wow!!!! How come you get to make all the fun stuff!!!!???

Noah quickly bathed so he could help.

It took forever to get this pizza in the oven, but Noah felt so proud. He even dedicated one portion of the pizza to himself. No mushrooms, and lots of broccoli, so he can be extra strong.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Today Bella is 4 months old! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by, definitely a reminder to live in the moment and enjoy every second with her.

She is curious, loves to go on walks, smiles at almost anyone who speaks to her in a high-pitched voice. She is also very quick tempered, a willful child, is what my doctor called her. It takes about 3 seconds for her to go from being fine, to being very upset. A girl who knows what she wants! I love her more with each passing day.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Whelp, we took the plunge, and completed our family with a pooch.
We had the pleasure of welcoming Buddy into our home Saturday night; Noah and Buddy have become fast friends.

Buddy is sweet, snuggly, a little sad(I think) and very strong! He took me for a walk yesterday. Jaime and I are working on a bit of leash training.

Friday, February 9, 2007


I have come across many blogs in the past few months which talk about meal planning. That's crazy!, is what I thought. After all, doesn't it just depend on what's in your fridge and what you feel like? Isn't anyone spontaneous anymore? This has been my way of thinking/living for the past 5yrs or so.

More often than not, I will be standing in front of my fridge, rummaging through my pantry, late late late in the evening, stressing about what to make for dinner. Often times just to discover I don't have the ingredients to make what I want to make, sometimes I can sub an item, other times I can't. Then in turn I get impatient with Noah, all because I am in a hurry to whip something up for dinner. When he wants to help, I have to say no... because I am in a hurry.

Soooo.... for the first time ever, I planned a menu for most of February. This first week has gone extremely well! (Except I goofed for tonight, forgot to defrost chicken) So much more relaxed! Noah can help, I can better plan/budget the grocery list, and sometimes, I can even get started earlier in the day while Bella is napping. Instead of just cooking some spaghetti and heating up sauce, now I can make sure we have veggies in our sauce, include a nice salad and delicious cheese toast. All it took was a little organization!

Here is what's on the menu:
2/5-2/9... still working on weekend planning
M-Chili, Salad, Bread
T-Spaghetti, Salad, Cheese Bread
W-Pork Chop, Roasted Cauliflower, Mashed Potatoes, Salad
R- Minestrone Soup
F-Roasted Chicken, Greek Potatoes, Salad

M-Bean burritos
T-Homemade Pizza, Salad
W-Spaghetti w/ garlic, parsley & anchovies, Salad
R-Shepherd Pie, Salad
F-Stuffed Cabbage

The rest of Feb. is mostly planned too, minus the weekends.
This is a great start...for me anyhow, who never ever ever plans!

Monday, February 5, 2007


My sister's mother & father-in-law gave Noah this tree face for Christmas.
I think it is so cool... and sort of spooky too! When I'm at the kitchen sink, looking out towards the backyard, this face stares back at me. It has taken some time to adjust. This morning it was a little dark out, and very foggy! Once again this face gave me a scare! I love the moss on his eyebrows and in between his teeth.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


I've been feeling selfish, indulgent, and most of all GROUCHY!!!
I really hope these feelings go away soon.
Maybe I just need a change of scenery