Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Noah turns 5!

Our BIG little guy turned 5 today!
Happy Birthday Noah!

He was a bit tired this morning, because he stayed up late last night (as any real baker would do) making strawberry frosting for the Birthday cupcakes. Of course I needed help licking all the spoons, so that took up even more time. We were both wiped out after that. Whew!
Noah lives for sweets! One day (out of frustration) I asked him if there was anything that isn't junk food that he enjoys. That he thinks is absolutely delicious. His response? 'Of course mom, I like Tako Poke!' Tako, meaning octopus in Japanese. Tako Poke has been Noah's favorite ever since he's had enough teeth to chew it.

Last night, after work, Jaime went to a specialty store in search of seaweed. Score! He found Ogo in China town. Once we knew Noah was fast asleep, we pulled out the ingredients and started chopping.

This morning, after Noah had finished opening his gifts, and was happily talking about all sorts of things, I asked what he wanted for breakfast. 'UMMMM, remember the strawberry frosting?' he asks 'Can I have a cupcake with it on there?' Sure. He continues playing and talking, totally ignoring the cupcake! Then I sneak out a bowl of Tako Poke for him, and set it on the table. I begin my morning routine, and after about 10 minutes I insist that he sit down and eat some breakfast before we go to school. I went to my room to get changed, and to change Bella. Suddenly Noah yells, 'Hey MOM!!! You're not going to believe your eyes!!!! Who put this here?' He runs to my room with the bowl, eyes about to bulge out of his head, nearly spilling it all. He tastes it, and just keeps eating and eating. Between bites he asks me how we got Tako Poke. 'Did Nana and Tutu send it?' No, we made it! He was so happy.

We sit down together, and he eats it all. The Tako Poke that is! The cupcake got completely ignored. HA!
For lunch, I brought a fruit salad and some pictures to share with his class. He was so sweet. Helping me carry things, helping to serve his classmates. Telling everyone about how one time he caught the biggest spider ever, and how dad is so afraid of spiders. Then he laughs. His friends laugh. It's just a spider, they say. Then we sing Happy Birthday, and he snuggles into me, just like when he was little. It's a moment I'll never forget.
Happy Birthday Noah!
We love you more than words can describe!


Fatima said...

Wow, what a great birthday! I never knew Tako Poke could be soooooo loved!
And what sweet parents you two are to toil into the night making his favorite food. He is a lucky guy!

Marci said...

I can't believe that little man is 5. I remember when you guys came home with him. I am all teary eyed. Noah and Olivia have something in common her favorite besides junk food (chips and Ice cream) is Miso with extra tofu.
Give Noah a big hug and birthday kiss from us, okay maybe he would like it just from Brandi, she sends the biggest one.

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Noah! I can't believe your a BIG 5!!
Tako poke is one of our favorites here too, especially Cody.
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!
Uncle Ash, Aunty Heather, Cody, Luke, Seth, Olivia and Tori