Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Five Minutes

Last week, I came down with a nasty, nasty cold. It got so bad, I called my sister and asked her what the Flu feels like. I don't think I've ever had the Flu, at least not in my adult life. Although I feel much better now, almost good as new... Bella is the next victim.

This past weekend, she was a bit fussy and wouldn't let anyone hold her, except me. Yesterday she was so congested she had trouble nursing, just to choke and puke up milk and mucus. How's that for a visual? She just cried and cried the entire day... poor babe. She'd fall asleep in my arms, then when I tried to lay her down, she'd start screaming. Finally after many hours of this, I decided to give myself five minutes. I needed to eat, and fix lunch for Noah. After five nerve wrecking minutes, five minutes of intense screaming, she passed out. Whew! Today is not much different, although she is sleeping a little better.

Noah is home from school for two more days, mid-winter break, and he's enjoying himself. His questions are starting to get more and more complex! Some I can't answer. Here is a sample of today's breakfast questions-
*How does the water get in the clouds so it can rain?
*How does our drinking water filter work?
*How do airplanes fly?
*Is a motorcycle faster than an airplane? Why not?

HMMMM wish I could recall this information from my school days!
Thank goodness for the internet, we can look things up at a moments notice.


mimi said...

your children are precious! where in the norfwest do you live? i have a friend that goes to school in ashland, oregon and he loves it. best wishes to your and your family!

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the illness making its rounds in your house! Did you try Hyland's flu tablets for Bella? The teething tablets seem to work well for Oliver. I know what you mean about the five minutes. Sanity serves our family more than our frazzled selves, even if it seems selfish to withdraw for a little bit! Prayers for your sick baby girl!

Heather said...

Prayers for Bella and the rest of the gang!

Marci said...

It sucks when your sick and everybody needs Mommy! As we speak Olivia is on the couch, asleep, sick, the flu & she is on break as well, it's called ski week here. Oh brother hope you feel better and Bella and I hope you get the answers you need for Noah, my personal favorite for Brandi, "because god said so"