Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Today we received a huge box from Nana and Tutu. In this huge box were several gifts for all of us. OHHHH, the anticipation. Noah is beyond excited. Remember that when you were a kid? Seeing your gifts under the tree, but you weren't allowed to peek, touch, or even breathe on the gifts? I know we always tried to inconspicuously tear a tiny piece of paper, so that we might guess at what was wrapped. Also in our box of goodies, were some eatable treats from Hawaii... things we haven't been able to find here. Or some things we can find, but under a different brand and it just doesn't taste the same. Included were Iso Peanuts, Kaki Mochi, and a huge bag of Organic Gummy Bears. I thought the gummy bears were an interesting twist. My in-laws know that we try to eat organic... sooooo they bought organic candy. To be completely honest... they taste awful. Even Noah, knowing that they were candy, wouldn't eat them. What a kind gesture. We are extremely grateful to have goodies shipped to us. I especially like when my mother-in-law sends me Big Island Cookies... my favorite!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Now I know what to send you...all the way from the Big Island :o)