We hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Our weekend was spent preparing for a little road trip to Mount Shasta, California. We are so excited to have a vacation away from home. It's always nice... isn't it? To have a change of scenery. Is it equally as nice to drive for 9hr 11min with two young children? HMMM, I'll let you know when we get back. =) It's been a long while since we've had a family getaway, so I'm sure it will all be worth it.
Constantly working in the garden has given me the opportunity to meet several of my neighbors that I otherwise would probably have never met. Noah has even made two new friends, just from hanging out in the yard! One very sweet neighbor, the mother of Noah's newest playmate, surprised me with snowball flowers! They are so cool!! I love them. Another neighbor offered me some of her delicious rhubarb. I have never cooked with it before, and have eaten it only a handful of times in the past. This afternoon I made a little Rhubarb Crunch for the car ride. It's so delicious! Half of it is nearly gone. I'm grateful for the kindness and generosity of all those around me.
You should try growing Rhubarb next year. Maybe you can get a cutting from the crown of your neighbors plant. It's good to split them once and a while and they grow very well if transplanted in the fall. I love Rhubarb. We just pulled the first few stalks from our plants this weekend and my wife promises me a pie tomorrow.MMmmmm
See you tomorrow. I am so excited to see you guys it's been too long.
Road Trip, hope you brought a dvd it's the way to go on long trips with the kids.
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