Thursday, April 3, 2008


PLEASE!!! Do not peel and slice a banana into rounds. Do not cut into small sticks for easy handling. It will be rejected!

Instead, slice through the tip and pass to grunting, anxious toddler.

It will be peeled with careful fingers.
The peel will be tasted and explored.
A banana will be enjoyed.


Fatima said...

Wow Eva, I can't believe how big she's getting. She looks totally different from 10 months ago.
And what an independent woman! She gets it from her mother. :-)

Marci said...

Oh I see the resemblance now Jag and Bella, they eat their banana the same way. Oh by the way Brandi pointed out Noahs pajama from Peru a mile away. She said she has been looking at the same print for the past 5 years with O and Jag, hahaha. I can't wait for Shasta I am bringing the video camera.

Anonymous said...

holy smokes she's grown! Sara is very particular about having her banana in the peel too, funny little ones eh! Happy spring eva!