Saturday, October 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Bella

Today we celebrated Bella's first birthday! It truly is amazing how fast time passes, and how much our lives have changed in a single year. She has brought so much joy to our little family.

Bella is not yet walking, but I think we're getting close. Also, her teeth are finally starting to come in... ALL. AT. ONCE. Yes, poor babe. Her first two came in about 3 weeks ago, her top two about 3 days ago, and her gums are swollen, promising to reveal more teeth very soon. She hasn't been eating too much, but that didn't stop her from digging into some birthday chocolate cream pie.

Happy Birthday Bella!


Marci said...

look at that birthday grin, priceless! Sorry we missed it writing it down this time, Happy Birthday Bella!

Heather said...

Happy Belated Birthday Bella! What a chunk you are:o)