Friday, July 20, 2007


Yesterday I finally harvested about half of our Cauliflower. It didn't get as big as the Broccoli, or as big as the supermarket variety, but it doesn't matter. It grew in my backyard! Hurray!!
I thought I would have to toss it into my compost due to a slight bug infestation, but after cutting it into smaller florets, and soaking it, things are eatable and just fine.


Heather said...

I love that purple cauliflower! It looks too pretty to eat. That's just cool that it grew in your backyard, isn't it neat that you can eat what you have grown? So, how are you going to eat it anyway??

Marci said...

I have never seen purple cauliflower?

Does it taste the same as white?

Eva said...

yep, the purple tastes just like the white. I had never heard of it either until I ordered my seeds this past spring.

Rhonda Jean said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. : ) The purple cauliflower looks delicious. I also love your cherries in the next post. I've never seen that type before.