Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Play with your Food

Okay, I realize this breaks all the rules...

Noah is not a big eater, but he loves creating his own culinary delights.

Case in point:
Our neighbor brought us a bowl of raspberries from her backyard, so I put them on the table this morning to eat with our breakfast. Noah asked of we could make jam out of them, I told him we don't have enough to make jam, maybe later in the summer we can do that. I'll just make my own then, Says Noah.

He smashed several raspberries, added some white sugar, chocolate milk, and some huckleberry syrup. Then... HE ASKED ME TO TASTE IT! What's a Mom supposed to do??? Well taste it of course. He saved the rest for Dad... this should be interesting. I think he named it Raspberry-Chocolate jam syrup.

1 comment:

Heather said...

MM! Noah, you can bring your Rasberry-chocolate jam syrup to our house and we'll try it!