Thursday, January 4, 2007


The kiddos are tucked in and sleeping, kitchen has been has not, laundry has been folded but not put away. Whew, what a day! I did manage to get myself to the library to get a few books that were on hold, just to learn that I couldn't check them out because I had an outstanding fine of $11.10! How could this be??? Oh yeah, all those books that I checked out shortly before Christmas needed to be returned/renewed. Whoops! The librarian informed me she could only take cash, or I could get on a computer and pay over the web with my Credit Card. Well, the High School across the street from the library had just let out and was flooded with loud obnoxious teenagers. No free computer in site. So... I pick Noah up from school, run a few errands, go home and pay my fine, and head back to the library. That will teach me to return my books on time! I'm usually really good about it. As for the teenagers... I was one, and will eventually be the mother of one. YIKES So scary, and yet so exciting!


Rachel said...

Hang in there, Eva-- I hear the clean house police try to stay clear of people with children! I hope so, anyway, because Chad and I could write love letters to each other in the dust on the furniture in our house! Being Mama is what's'll never get these moments back!

c said...

I always wonder how I get those overdue fees, too. My New Year's resolution for last year was to not get them, actually. . . I think I made it 'til February. Finally, I just decided to become a librarian! Too bad I'm not your librarian -- I would've waived them for you.