Friday, December 1, 2006

Life has many surprises

Here are a few surprises we've had in the past year or so.
Some made me pull my hair out, some brought tears of joy.

*We found a 2 bedroom house we love in our price range
*Discovered our lot is twice as big as we originally thought
*Master bath has no heat (not sure how we missed this)
*1 month after moving in, main water line from house to street meter breaks
*After Jaime cleared the lot of blackberry bushes, we discovered a landfill in our backyard
*4 months after moving in, I realize I'm pregnant (need 3rd bedroom)
*The basement is wet, and our new carpet is moldy and wet in some spots
*Realized I love the outdoor fireplace, which I wanted to demolish.
*We notice a major rail system being built just two blocks away.
*8 months after moving in, our roof is leaking
*1 year after moving in, we have a beautiful daughter

I wonder what the new year will bring?

1 comment:

Marci said...

Uh sound similar to our life. I'm sure next year will bring more surprises but this time fun ones to minus out the bad ones from last year