Friday, October 5, 2007


I WANT to go outside, really I do. I will bang on this old, leaking, single-pane glass window until my mother gets the point. Hopefully it will break, then I'll have an easy escape route. Even Noah cheers me on. I don't care if it is cold and wet out there, besides, I like to squish my hands in the dirt. Cat-poop?? Well, it's just like dirt to me. I love to catch bugs, and let them crawl on me, but for some strange reason, they don't crawl so well after I've tenderly lifted them out of the dirt. Oh yeah, there are some tasty treats out there too... rocks, leaves, grass, and many other small not yet identified objects. Sometimes I'm so quick, mom has no chance of prying the delicious yumminess from my lips. OHHH, how I long to be outside!


Marci said...

oh my goodness she is such a doll, I can't remember, have I missed her birthday? I have to write these things down!

Heather said...

I love the new look of your blog , what a beautiful little tree and she walking now??