Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wild Garden

The garden is a serious mess! Things are growing everywhere, including the weeds. It is hard to believe that Fall is just around the corner, and soon the garden will be empty, and the sky will be grey.

Today I finally harvested a few of our beets. They didn't get that big, but we have quite a few of them.

I am able to pick a container full of tomatoes every other day or so. Nothing beats the taste of home grown tomatoes, ripened on the vine. I sure will miss these during the winter.

Jaime picking Italian plums from our tree. He picked an entire bag full, and there are still plenty on the tree!! I hope to make a dessert from my childhood with these.


Fatima said...

Wow, love all of the amazing garden yields! What wonderful gardeners you Ganoza's have become!

Heather said...

What fun! Gear up for the winter :o) Get those sweaters out, and ear muffs...we'll be wearing our bathing suits and visiting the beach,hehe!
I'm just kidding! I would love to have a winter of nice cold weather. It sounds nice, the weather here has been very warm.

Lib said...

What a lovely blog.