The past few days we've had some cooler weather and a bit of rain. The garden is oh so happy! Things are growing like mad! This morning, the rain slowed long enough for me to go gallivanting in the garden. DARNING! (darnet)As Noah would say, there were little holes on my lettuce greens! And... I found the culprit, or should I say the culprits??? There were tiny little slugs happily munching away. I didn't have the heart to squash them, they were just too cute, so I put them in my yard waste bin. Then... as I was checking out the radish, I found the Big Bad Momma of the slugs. She was eating my radish!!! The top part that was sticking out of the ground! OHHHH It's on!! Did I squash her? No, I just couldn't. I'm the girl who used to collect huge long earth worms and snails on my way to the bus-stop as a school-girl. So, she got tossed into the yard bin too... to live another day, munching on something other than my greens.
See the big munch marks???
You might want to try the old tuna can filled with beer (and buried to ground level) to attract and drown the slugs.
I have copper strips around my bed and a floating row cover. So far no slugs that I know of!
Well, Crunchy Chicken answered my question. I was wondering what to do about the slugs. Now wondering: why beer? Do slugs have an alcohol problem? Would water work just as well if what we're doing is drowning them?
All conjecture anyway; I'll probably never actually kill any slugs.
What beautiful pictures -- I'm hungry. And drat the slugs!! Would cayenne pepper work? I plant chives around my roses to keep bugs away -- do slugs avoid chives?
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