Saturday, May 19, 2007

First Harvest

Last night we enjoyed our first salad from the lettuce greens planted in the garden. To my surprise, there were tiny little radishes attached to some of the greens. I double checked my seeds and sure enough, the Micro Greens Mix includes Cherry Belle Radish! Those were gobbled before we got any pictures.

Check out this little flower! I have no idea what it is.


Marci said...

That salad looks so yummy!
I am inspired, I can't wait to have a garden of my own.

Heather said...

What fun! The Salad does look good! Were the leaves bitter or pleasant tasting? I know the last time I grew lettuce or any kind of greens, they were a little bitter. I think they bolted too early.

Eva said...

They were not bitter. I know some types of greens are, but none that were in my mix... thankfully.