Thursday, March 15, 2007

Labor of Love

For three days now, I've been digging, weeding, pulling out blackberry roots from a small section of my yard. I figure if this garden thing is going to happen, I had better keep at it!
This has been a tremendous amount of work! When we first moved in about 1.5 yrs ago, this area was covered with about 15-20 ft high(no kidding) of blackberry vines. Jaime has since chopped them down, we have attempted (nearly impossible) to pick up all the dead vines. Then the seasons changed, more leaves fell, and now that spring is almost here, weeds and old leaves have taken over the yard.

As much as I love to indulge in sun-warmed berries in the summer, these blackberries are impossible to get rid of. Jaime thought he dug out most of the roots, and he did... sort of. When I started digging, and turning the soil, I found tons more... I mean tons, and they are starting to sprout... again. GRRR They are strong, and tough to pull out.

A stroll through the produce section of my local grocery store has renewed my spirit. I am so excited at the thought of eating out of my garden. Gosh I hope things grow. My gardening book from the library mentioned that soil in this region needs to be supplemented with lime, to give the soil calcium and magnesium. Apparently our winter rain leaches these minerals out of the soil. Anyone know anything about this? Do I really need to do this? Guess it just depends on my soil. Wonder if I should take a chance and just plant my crops. hmmm

Here a few pictures of my recent labor of love.
Hopefully I can update these picture in a few months of my little kitchen garden.


Crunchy Chicken said...

Blackberry bushes are evil, evil things.

I'm not sure about the lime. I guess the thing is to get a pH test kit and test your soil. Then compare against the requirements for whatever you're growing and adjust accordingly?

c said...

You should ask your local reference librarian that question. . . We hold our breath for such things. Seriously.

c said...
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