Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Funny Quotes

Sometimes Noah just says the funniest things!

Yesterday morning he climbed into my bed, coughing, with bright red cheeks.
'Mom, I think I have the flea' (flu)... yes, he is still home but feeling better.

Last night, he asked Jaime what hurts him? Nothing... says Jaime. I jump in and remind him how much those darn little paper cuts burn. Yes, those do hurt, says Jaime.
'And when I kick your pee pee...right dad?' We couldn't stop laughing, Noah was so confused. 'It does hurt...right??'


Marci said...

I laughed so hard Jagger started to laugh with me!
ahh you gotta love the things they say. I write some of them down in a notebook so we can look back on them and laugh!

Rachel said...

Oh boys! I'm glad I have a boy, and excited to hear all of the things he comes up with as he learns to talk. The funny things I said as a child became parts of our family's speech and we say them to this day. Like "Peace 'n later," instead of see you later. I say this to other people and they have no clue what I'm talking about.

Crunchy Chicken said...

"...kick your pee pee..."

Let's hope this doesn't happen too often!