Friday, January 12, 2007


Noah sang us a new song tonight... it was soooo cute!

I love the mountains
I love the rolling hills
I love the flowers
I love the daffodils

the rest was either hummed or muttered...

So, during dinner I started to sing it, but I added
I love the ocean
at the beginning of the song. I was quickly corrected. That is NOT how the song goes. I asked if I could add that part, because I really do love the ocean.

ummm uhmmmmm well, okay if you really do love the ocean, you can sing it that way if you want to. Thanks Noah for teaching me your song.


Heather said...

Keep on singing Noah!

Rachel said...

I can't wait for Oliver to start singing! I think I know the song Noah was singing-- but I can't remember the part that comes after loving the daffodils either-- must not be as good as the first part! Happy Saturday!