Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Turn OFF your TV

We've worked very hard to limit the amount of time Noah spends in front of the TV. It helps that we've put the TV in the basement, and only have about 4 channels. In the past, he has watched very very little, until Bella was born. It is winter, it is too cold/wet to be outside, Bella is crying, I need to cook dinner, clean house, wash laundry, these are all things I tell myself to validate Noah watching TV. Yesterday Noah wasn't listening, and was being very disrespectful. I took away TV time for the day. He was hysterical! I couldn't believe it. He screamed, cried, threatened...all for a television program. It blew me away, and made me realize I need to spend more time with him.

It took A LOT of effort, but we had a wonderful afternoon together.
  • played legos
  • talked story
  • made & shared a snack
  • bathed Bella (he was most helpful)
  • danced in the living room
  • played paper airplanes
  • he read Bella a book
  • Noah peeled & chopped carrots for dinner
  • Noah set the table with silverware, poured water for us

While tucking Noah in, he gave me a hug and said, "I love you sweetheart" That's what I always say to him! I left his room with tears in my eyes.


c said...

Oh, my God. I have tears in MY eyes. That is like the sweetest story EVER. Good job, Mommy!!

Emme said...

It amazes me how young children get hooked on TV. I have to watch it - to keep up my visual literacy for my job, however I try to keep it unplugged as much as possible.

Good job!