Sunday, December 10, 2006


I had an outing today. All by MYSELF! Bella was napping, and the guys were making rubber band guns out of left-over bamboo scraps from our flooring. So where did I go? The library, just six streets over. I know... DORK!! Right? I absolutely love going to the library. As a child I read quite a bit, but lost the joy of reading as a teenager and young adult. When Noah was born, I rediscovered books, and the library for that matter. It was fun and so quiet! Here are a few of my latest finds. I can't wait to read! The funny thing is, I don't have enough time to read all of these books. Oh Well, I can try.
  • My Friend Leonard by James Frey (very twisted)
  • Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah
  • Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss (thanks Rachel)
  • Clearly Delicious by Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz & Judy Ridgway
  • the petit appetit Cookbook by Lisa Barnes
  • Kidnapped in Yemen by Mary Quin


Marci said...

Brandi is a big fan of James Frey. Even through the controversy. Have you read A Million Little Pieces? Very good as well.

Rachel said...

The library is where I would have gone too! I can't wait until we're done nursing and Chad can take care of Oliver by himself-- but I know the time will pass all too quickly, so I'm trying not to be too eager! I hope you enjoy Eats, Shoots and Leaves!

Eva said...

Yes, I have read A MILLION LITTLE PIECES, and MY FRIEND LEONARD seems to pick up where MLP left off. I'm a fan too, even though...

Rachel, I'm lucky to have the library so close. I can nurse Bella, and then run out for an hour. I was just browsing, when I saw Eats,Shoots, and Leaves. Thought of you, and decided to take it home.

c said...
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c said...

Eva! This is your sister's friend, Courtney. I prefer to call people who go to the library ABSOLUTE GENIUSES! Your blog is way fun!